My voice for the princes upon the booming horses
Bare-headed, fleet upon perfurméd horses
He strides among men with eyes blazing bright
Cheroot in his teeth, silver tinkling high
His will, his skill, he heads playbills
He quaffs fine bottles, he is a god’s form stilled
He’s hundredfold bold, could to an ape sell rope
Rides far foreign hills yet wears airs of fine soap
A devil-burning wit at the helm of warships
A master of the dews upon the flower of my lips
He trods well my heart’s longing corridors
Turn an errant eye to him and know this woman’s war
To him I said: mercy, beautiful man, pay a gift and come nigh
They called you Horus beside the Nile upon the papyri
Is that cloak of precious flax, or of feathers to fly?
Set you kings to their knees with your amulet eye
My heart is your stallion thund’ring boom in his race
My heart is the player striking strums upon the double bass
Can’t you hear the thrum bum-bum thrum bum bum-booming pace
As the double bass
The thrum bum-bum thrum bum bum-booming pace
Upon the double bass
My voice for the princes, raised tremolo
The princes conquering trades as the moghuls
He is master among the bands, he is master alone
I deem him best at his own, apart and a-throne
I deem him best beneath a circlet as befitting a khan
By nature from his lips fall intoxications
By natural eyes come his persuasions both silent and soft
With forces like winds to brush my petals aloft
Mercy, beautiful man, pay a gift and come nigh
Your scents serve as heralds and do well prophesy
Invade they my breath, my sighs sweetly dyed
Aroma of oceans at dusk drowning me in eventide
My heart is your stallion thund’ring boom in his race
My heart is the player striking strum the double bass
Can’t you hear the thrum bum-bum thrum bum bum-booming pace
As the double bass
The thrum bum-bum thrum bum bum-booming pace
Upon the double bass